Zion's Gate Jaxon
Jaxon is available - $7,500.
Reach out to us via e-mail (zionsgateranch@gmail.com) or contact us here if you'd like more info.
You can also find us on facebook: www.facebook.com/zionsgateranch
"Baby Jax" was the first Jersey bull calf born on our farm! His sire is Sure Shot Pendleton, and boy does he take after his daddy with that painted coat! His dam is Zion's Gate Minnie - a beautiful mini Jersey representing the true breed standard as you would see from the Isle of Jersey! The cross between parental bloodlines produced such an amazing bull - and we are so grateful to have raised this wonderful bull!
Jax has turned out lovely - a stunning, one of a kind bull. With that deep dairy rib, he is sure to produce stock with heavy milk production, just like his dam Minnie, who milks out 3 1/2 gallons per milking easily, while calf sharing!
Jaxon's calves are staying short and they most often have that painted coat just like dad - it's really exciting to see how they are turning out!
Beta Casein: A2/A2
Height: 44" at maturity
DOB: 6/9/21
Heterozygous Polled
Kappa Casein & Beta Lactoglobulin B/B
IMCBR Registered: 9382-MCBR
AMJA Registered: AMJ2447