About Us

Just two homesteaders with a dream

It all started as a dream - a desire to own a piece of land and get out from underneath a landlord.  We were not comfortable with the city life and dreamt of owning a cabin in the woods.  So, we buckled down, worked hard, saved up money and finally the day came - we were ready to find a homestead! 

We searched high and low, and settled on the Ozarks.  Missouri was home to us, and the land prices were reasonable.  In 2016 we found our homestead - a piece of raw, undeveloped land.  We bought a camper, and thus our journey began! 

It took a lot of love and elbow grease, but we tackled one project at a time, and to be honest...the projects are still happening today!  We started with chickens, ducks and guineas (the ticks were bad at first).  We cleared the land, fenced and cross-fenced, and then added our first goats and a milk cow!  Things were coming together nicely, and as we spent time with the animals, we knew we had finally found our groove!

We tore down an old house on the property and then laid a new foundation, and in 2017 we started building our "cabin in the woods".  The process of designing our own home, from start to finish, was amazing!  So much care and so many memories went into building our home - we know the ins and outs of it - and we wouldn't have had it any other way!

Now that some years have gone by, we've gotten into gardening and doing our best to grow & harvest our own food.  We know we can't depend on grocery stores, but we have also found that homegrown food tastes so much better!  

We are learning to live off the land, preserve our food and enjoy the simple things in life.  If we've discovered anything of value, we have found that farming and living on your own piece of land brings a deep satisfaction that nobody can take from you.  There are many ups, but there are also many downs.  Life is not always easy, but there's a beauty that exists, if only you will take time to open your eyes and see it. 


We are located in Alton, MO.  We currently raise Nigerian Dwarf goats, Miniature Jersey and Angus cows, Kunekune & GOS pigs, Great Pyrenees LGD, Harlequin rabbits, Silver and Gold Westfalische Totleger and Salmon Faverolle chickens, Welsh Harlequin ducks & Sebastopol geese!