Jade X Phoenix
Due 7/4/25!

0 Days
9 Hours
59 Minutes
59 Seconds

"Prairie Wood Jade"
aka Jade
Swiss marked with moonspots
DOB 3/21/15
Blue eyes

Right Side

Left Side

Udder Pic
*While nursing twins - will work on getting a better pic.  She truly has an amazing udder and her teats fill in nicely for hand milking!

Jade's Dam - Prairie Wood Deja Blue
Photo Credit: Prairie Wood Ranch

Jade's Sire - Ch Little Tots Estate Patron *B
Photo Credit: Winterset Ranch

Jade's Sire - Ch Little Tots Estate Patron *B
Photo Credit: Winterset Ranch

Jade's Sire's Sire - GCH Buffalo Clover Valentino ++B +S
Photo Credit: Buffalo Clover Farm

Jade's Sire's Dam - Little Tots Estate Primula 1*M 1 X Jr CH - Udder Pic
Photo Credit: Little Tots Estate

ADGA Planned Pedigree

Jade's ADGA Pedigree

Jade's AGS Pedigree